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Four Quadrants of Conformity for Cultural Creatives
Peace Officer techniques when conflict is present
Sheeple is the biggest quad so most useful to understand.
Understanding which Quadrant is Cultural Creatives and why.
Do independent-minded Cultural Creatives need to be protected? Why or why not?
Can an individual be in only one quadrant?
Which quadrant is strongest in you?
How do we exercise compassion for people we correctly identify as Sheeple?
Exercise: if Biden is too wishy-washy, from which Quadrants would a successful third party emerge? Why?
Is it true aggressively conventional-minded people are responsible for a disproportionate amount of the trouble in the world?
Sheeple tend to believe only bad ideas get shut down. Why?
Why might it be true since the Enlightenment we've created rules to protect Cultural Creatives from the non-conformist killers.
Why were non-conformist killers more rare before the Enlightenment?
Why were protections against non-conformist killers more common during and after the Enlightenment?
Which direction are things going in Dec. 2020?
Using the quadrants to understand Cancel culture and political correctness in K-12 and colleges.
Using the quadrants for starting or managing intentional communities to come.
PRESENTER: Bruce Dickson is an author (22+ self-publications), Health Intuitive and Food Bank volunteer. Before this I taught special needs kids, taught K-12 using Waldorf-methods wherever possible. Before I lived in seven intentional communities and visited several more.
Sheeple is the biggest quad so most useful to understand.
Understanding which Quadrant is Cultural Creatives and why.
Do independent-minded Cultural Creatives need to be protected? Why or why not?
Can an individual be in only one quadrant?
Which quadrant is strongest in you?
How do we exercise compassion for people we correctly identify as Sheeple?
Exercise: if Biden is too wishy-washy, from which Quadrants would a successful third party emerge? Why?
Is it true aggressively conventional-minded people are responsible for a disproportionate amount of the trouble in the world?
Sheeple tend to believe only bad ideas get shut down. Why?
Why might it be true since the Enlightenment we've created rules to protect Cultural Creatives from the non-conformist killers.
Why were non-conformist killers more rare before the Enlightenment?
Why were protections against non-conformist killers more common during and after the Enlightenment?
Which direction are things going in Dec. 2020?
Using the quadrants to understand Cancel culture and political correctness in K-12 and colleges.
Using the quadrants for starting or managing intentional communities to come.
PRESENTER: Bruce Dickson is an author (22+ self-publications), Health Intuitive and Food Bank volunteer. Before this I taught special needs kids, taught K-12 using Waldorf-methods wherever possible. Before I lived in seven intentional communities and visited several more.
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À propos Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson has lived in seven intentional communities and visited several more. Also 25 US Waldorf school communities. He is an author and Health Intuitive. He's self-published several series of books-booklets:
- Best Practices in Energy Medicine,...
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